【EGU Session NH9.11】Resilient Management of Long Linear Infrastructures in a Changing Climate

Special Session at EGU General Assembly 2025

Session NH9.11: Resilient Management of Long Linear Infrastructures (LLIs) in a Changing Climate


【Time】27 April – 2 May 2025

【Location】Vienna, Austria & Online

【Conveners】Giulia BossiMatteo Mantovani,  Dao-Yuan Tan and Xueyu Geng


  • Monitoring and modeling techniques
  • AI-driven solutions for managing natural hazards
  • Innovations for resilient infrastructure

【Key Dates】
Abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2025
Support application deadline: 2 December 2024

The vast majority of Long Linear Infrastructures (LLIs) were designed several decades ago, intended to operate in a climatic context vastly different from the one we face today. Global warming has led to the intensification of extreme meteorological events and has altered precipitation and temperature patterns, significantly increasing the vulnerability of LLIs to natural hazards.

Ensuring high levels of functionality and safety, particularly for the oldest yet still vital LLIs, has become an ongoing challenge. This challenge has driven a substantial increase in investments directed toward maintenance and the reassessment of associated risks.
In an era marked by climate change and committed to sustainability, it is clear that a new paradigm for the long-term management of LLIs is urgently needed. This approach must be multidisciplinary and multi-technological, capable of addressing the extensive spatial distribution of LLIs and the multitude of hazards they face, such as landslides, floods, drought cycles, and more.

We invite presentations on the following topics:

a. Monitoring Approaches and Sensing Techniques: Cutting-edge methods to detect, map, and measure natural hazards impacting LLIs and to assess the structural health of LLIs.

b. Modeling Strategies: Advanced techniques that leverage data to understand and predict processes leading to localized or widespread damage under evolving climate conditions.

c. Risk Assessment and Management Frameworks: Development of comprehensive frameworks through applications of big data analytics and machine learning that integrate real-time monitoring and predictive analytics to assess vulnerability, predict risks, and enhance the resilience of LLIs in the face of natural hazards.

d. Sustainable Design and Retrofitting: Strategies for retrofitting existing LLIs to improve their resilience and sustainability in light of future climate uncertainties.

e. Interdisciplinary AI Applications in LLIs: Exploring AI-driven solutions that merge engineering, environmental science, and urban planning to enhance LLI management under climatic shifts. This topic seeks innovative contributions on AI-enhanced simulations, lifecycle tools, and adaptive systems for robust infrastructure performance.

We encourage submissions that explore these topics and contribute to the development of innovative, sustainable solutions for the long-term management of LLIs in a changing climate.